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Softwood Fuel Pellets

Bulk Price - Buy 50 bags Get $0.20 off Each

SKU: 197644986088

Softwood fuel pellets are a versatile source of energy derived from sawdust and wood waste generated from various woodworking projects. These cost-effective wood pellets are created by compressing waste materials, resulting in a highly efficient and low-emission fuel source. Not only do they produce significantly less smoke and ash than regular wood, but they also burn more cleanly and with less waste. Moreover, since they are made from renewable wood waste, they provide an energy option that can be used year-round, making them an ideal choice for individuals looking for a greener heating alternative.

Product Description:

  • High-quality SPF fuel pellets
  • High BTU for use in pellet stoves
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Thinking Green

According to the USDA Forest Service, in the United States, “the volume of wood that is available from our forests and other urban and community wood lots, and the amount of wood that is recycled, would be sufficient to meet about three-quarters of the nation’s current energy needs.

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